Java Fueled Design
affordable web presence for small businesses
Wow...A Whole Page Just About Us
us talking about us
We are a fun group who love design and the web sphere. We are wizards at creating websites that help small business owners establish a lasting and impactful web presence. We are always on the lookout for exciting projects or a good cup of java.
we’ve spent
5 years
60 months
1,826 days
2,629,743 minutes
157,784,630 seconds
making websites
Why Choose Us
exceptional service, exceptional prices
We Are Different
We love coffee…really, really love coffee. But since people don’t need us to drink coffee for them, we decided to focus on our second passion; building beautiful websites. For years the Java-Fueled Design team had been building websites for friends and family. After word spread and our passion and abilities were showcased, it wasn't long before others wanted to utilize our talents. A quick search to determine the value of what we were doing made us stop cold in our tracks. Companies are charging thousands of dollars for websites (and sometimes pretty boring websites)! This seems ridiculous to us and we know that small businesses feel the same. So we set out to provide a solid, reliable, awesome website at a price everyone can afford.
Why would we put our prices out front before we have the chance to sell you on our services? Well, we’re not crazy (ok, maybe a little crazy). What sets us apart from others is our pricing. We are priced for the small business. We’re talking about those teams and individuals out there without a large budget for a web presence but who want a reliable, well designed, turn-key website.
Standard Website - $175 a month. This includes domain name and hosting.
We don’t ask for any payment until you are ready to have your site launched. All steps leading up to live launch are free. Simply put, if you don't like what we created, you pay nothing.
Once your site is launched, you receive unlimited editorial updates throughout the year. Want to change your hours, prices, or any wording? Just drop us an email or make a phone call and your site will be updated quickly.
Getting Started
our unique 4 step process
tell us your vision
We’ll chat for a bit so we can get to know you better. Tell us about your business and your vision for your website.
send us your info
Send us the details. We are happy to help with sprucing up your content, but we need to know the basics and that comes from you!
critique our design
Take a look at your site! Review the design that has been created specifically for you. Let us know what you like and what you don’t. We’ll adjust and edit until everyone is happy.
launch your website
It’s go time! Once you are happy with the look and content of the site we go live for the world to see.
Lets Get Started
Fill out the form below for a no-obligation consultation. Your email and phone number will only be used to communicate with you concerning your request.
Copyright Java-Fueled Design © 2015